Java – Basic Syntax

A basic Java program can be broken down into several constructs and elements. Typically, it can be characterized as a collection of objects, which communicate with each other by calling each other’s routines. The basic definitions of objects and classes are given below:

  • Class

A class can be described as a blueprint that portrays the practices/expresses all the behaviors and states of its objects.

  • Object

Objects are characterized by two components namely, methods and attributes or variables. For instance, if you consider the example of a puppy, then it has the following attributes or states: name, color and breed. In addition, it also has the following behaviours, which include woofing, wagging and consuming. Any object is nothing but an instance of a class.

  • Instance Variables

Each object has its set of variables. An object’s state is made by the qualities alloted to these variables during program execution.

  • Methods

A method is the definition of a method. Moreover, a class can contain numerous methods. It is in these methods that behaviours like where the rationales are composed, information is controlled and all the activities are executed.