Advantages of C language
C language has in-numerous advantages. The important advantages of C language are described as follows:
1. Easy to Understand: C language is a structured programming language. The program written in C language is easy to understand and modify.
2. Middle Level Language: C language has combined features of low level language (such as assembly language) and some of high level language. It is, therefore, sometimes C language is also referred to as middle level language. Most of the problems that can be solved using assembly language can also be solved in C language.
3. Machine Independent: Program written in C language is machine independent. It means that a program written on one type of Computer system can be executed on another type of Computer.
4. Built in Functions: C language has a large number of built in functions. The programmer uses most of these built in functions for writing source program, instead of writing its own code.
5. Hardware Control: Like assembly language, the programmer can write programs in C to directly access or control the hardware components of the computer system.
6. Easy to learn and use: C language is easy to learn and to write program as compared to low level languages such as assembly language.
7. Basis for C++: Today, the most popular programming is C+. C is the basis for C++. The program structure of C is similar to C++. The statements, commands (or functions) and methodologies used in C are also available in C++. Thus learning C is a first step towards learning C++.
8. Modularity: C is a structured programming language. The programmer can divide the logic of program into smaller units or modules. These modules can be written and translated independently. Including