Operator precedence and Associativity in C programming language

Operator Precedence in C
Operator precedence determines which operator is evaluated first when an expression has more than one operators. For example 100-2*30 would yield 40, because it is evaluated as 100 – (2*30) and not (100-2)*30. The reason is that multiplication * has higher precedence than subtraction(-).

Associativity in C
Associativity is used when there are two or more operators of same precedence is present in an expression. For example multiplication and division arithmetic operators have same precedence, lets say we have an expression 5*2/10, this expression would be evaluated as (5*2)/10 because the associativity is left to right for these operators. Similarly 20/2*5 would be calculated as (20*2)/5.

Operator precedence and Associativity Table in C Programming

Function expression

( )

Left to Right
Array Expression


Left to Right
Structure operators


Left to Right
Unary minus

Right to Left
Increment & Decrement

—  ++

Right to Left
One’s compliment


Right to Left
Pointer Operators

& *

Right to Left
Type cast

(data type)

Right to Left
size of operator


Right to Left
Left and Right Shift

>>  <<

Arithmetic Operators

Multiplication operator, Divide by, Modulus

*,  /,  %

Left to Right
Add, Substract

+,  –

Left to Right

Relational Operators

Less Than


Left to Right
Greater than


Left to Right
Less than equal to


Left to Right
Greater than equal to


Left to Right
Equal to


Left to Right
Not equal


Left to Right

Logical Operators



Left to Right


Left to Right


Right to Left

Bitwise Operators



Left to Right
Exclusive OR


Left to Right
Inclusive OR


Left to Right

Assignment Operators


Right to Left


Right to Left


Right to Left


Right to Left


Right to Left


Right to Left


Right to Left


Right to Left


Right to Left


Right to Left


Right to Left

Other Operators



Right to Left
Conditional Operator


Right to Left