Is software engineering a science or an art?
Several people hold the opinion that writing good quality programs is an art. In this context, let us examine whether software engineering is really a form of art or is it akin to other engineering disciplines. There exist several fundamental issues that set engineering disciplines such as software engineering and civil engineering apart from both science and arts disciplines. Let us now examine where software engineering stands based on an investigation into these issues:
Just as any other engineering discipline, software engineering makes heavy use of the knowledge that has accrued from the experiences of a larges number o f practitioners. These past experiences have been systematically organised and wherever possible theoretical basis to the empirical observations have been provided. Whenever no reasonable theoretical justification could be provided, the past experiences have been adopted as rule of thumb. In contrast, all scientific solutions are constructed through rigorous application of provable principles.
As is usual in all engineering disciplines, in software engineering several conflicting goals are encountered while solving a problem. In such situations, several alternate solutions are first proposed. An appropriate solution is chosen out of the candidate solutions based on various trade-offs that need to be made on account of issues of cost, maintainability, and usability. Therefore, while arriving at the final solution, several iterations and are possible.
Engineering disciplines such as software engineering make use of only well-understood and well-documented principles. Art, on the other hand, is often based on making subjective judgement based on qualitative attributes and using ill-understood principles.