Identifying the vulnerability shortlist
The VM solution you select needs to provide the capability to scan for and fix vulnerabilities in a broad range of categories, including:
- Back Doors and Trojan Horses (bypass authentication systems).
- Brute force attacks (defies cryptography by systematically trying different keys).
- CGI (exploits the Common Gateway Interface).
- Databases.
- DNS and Bind (exploits Domain Name Services).
- E-commerce applications.
- File sharing.
- File Transfer Protocol.
- Firewalls.
- General Remote Services.
- Hardware and network appliances.
- Information/Directory Services.
- SMB/Netbios Windows (exploits application-layer protocols for sharing network services).
- SMTP and e-mail applications.
- SNMP (exploits Simple Network Management Protocol).
- TCP/IP (exploits Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol).
- VoIP (exploits Voice-over-IP protocol).
- Web servers.
- Wireless access points.
- X-Windows (exploits display protocol).