Best Practices to secure from DDoS Attack

what is DDoS Attack

DDoS stand for Distributed Denial -of-service Attack. It  is defined as a malicious user trying to make a machine or network resources unavailable to use. A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to disrupt the traffic of a targeted server, service, or network by overwhelming it with a flood of Internet traffic. In which multiple compromised computer systems attack a target, such as a server, website, or another network resource, and cause a denial of service for users of the targeted resource. service may include email, online accounts (e.g.., banking), or other services.

What are the types of DDoS attacks?

Some different typed of DDoS attacks are UDP flooding, SYN flooding and DNS amplification

UDP flooding : It is stand for user datagram protocol. This type of DDoS attack involves flooding the target network with UDP packets. This attack overwhelms the random ports of the remote host.

SYN flooding : This type of DDoS attack exploits the vulnerabilities in the TCP (Transmission control Protocol) connection sequence. Here, the requester initiates the attack by sending multiple SYN requests, without sending an ACK response.

DNS amplification : It is Common DDoS Attacks .It  is a DDoS attack that leverages DNS resolvers to overwhelm a victim with traffic.

All amplification attacks exploit a disparity in bandwidth consumption between an attacker and the targeted web resource. When the disparity in cost is magnified across many requests, the resulting volume of traffic can disrupt network infrastructure.

Some various type of Practices to secure from DDoS Attack :

  1.  Create a Denial of Service Response Plan :

This can take some planning; the more complex your infrastructure, the more detailed your DDoS response plan will be. Regardless of your company’s size, however, your plan should include the following:

  • A systems checklist
  • A trained response team
  • Well-defined notification and escalation procedures.
  • A list of internal and external contacts that should be informed about the attack
  • A communication plan for all other stakeholders, like customers, or vendors

2. Understanding a Warning signs :

Suddenly Your network slows down unaccountable. The website shuts down. All of a sudden, you’re getting a lot of spam. These can all be signs of a DDoS attack. If so, the organization should investigate.

3. Scale up your bandwidth :

Of all the ways to prevent DDoS attacks, the most basic step you can take to make your VPS Hosting infrastructure “DDoS resistant” is to ensure that you have enough bandwidth to handle spikes in traffic that may be caused by malicious .

4. Know your network’s traffic :

Every organization’s infrastructure has typical Internet traffic patterns — know yours. When you understand your organization’s normal traffic pattern, you’ll have a baseline. That way, when unusual activity occurs, you can identify the symptoms of a DDoS attack.

5. Comprehensive security solution , not just DDoS attack prevention

It is crucial to building robust DDoS attack prevention and incidence response plan, but it is not sufficient. When your application/ website has security loopholes and weaknesses, it will provide gateways for attackers to orchestrate attacks.

Your security solution must be holistic and intelligent providing instantaneous and always-on protection. It must be custom designed with surgical accuracy and provide access to certified security experts who continuously tune it to keep your website/ application always available.

6. Build Your Network Hardware Against DDoS Attacks :

There are a number of simple hardware configuration changes you can take to help prevent a DDoS attack.

For example, configuring your firewall or router to drop incoming ICMP packets or block DNS responses from outside your network (by blocking UDP port 53) can help prevent certain DNS and ping-based volumetric attacks.

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