SIP.conf – General option in SIP.conf
Manisha Patel allow, allowexternaldomains, allowguest, allowoverlap, allowsubscribe, asterisk, autocreatepeer, autodomain, bindaddr, bindport, callerid, callevents, canreinvite, checkmwi, compactheaders, context, defaultexpiry, description of SIP.conf general section, disallow, disallowed_methods, domain, dtmfmode, dumphistory, engine, externhost, externip, externrefresh, fromdomain, general option in sip configuration, general section of sip.conf, ignoreregexpire, insecure, jbenable, jbforce, jbimpl, jblog, jbmaxsize, jbresyncthreshold, language, limitonpeers, localnet, maxexpiry, musdiconhold, musicclass, nat, notifymimetype, notifyringing, outboundproxy, outboundproxyport, pedantic, port, preferred_codec_only, progressinband, promiscredir, qualify, realm, recordhistory, regcontext, register, registerattempts, registertimeout, relaxdtmf, rtautoclear, rtcachefriends, rtpholdtimeout, rtpkeepalive, rtptimeout, rtsavesysname, rtupdate, sendrpid, SIP configuration file asterisk, sip configuration setting of asterisk sip.conf, sip.conf, SIP.conf - General option in SIP.conf, sipdebug, srvlookup, tos, trustrpid, useclientcode, useragent, usereqphone, videosupport, vmexten
SIP.conf – General option in SIP.conf SIP Configuration – general The [general] section of sip.conf includes the following variables: allowsubscribe =
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