Create your own search engine with PHP and MySQL
eduguru 4 Comments `pagecontent` TEXT NOT NULL, `pageurl` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL, `username`, '$_POST[url]', '$pagedata')"); Give a small added message, "", "PASSWORD"); mysql_select_db("DATABASE"); Now perform the MySQL query (as a query) 1 $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM searchengine WHERE pagecontent LIKE '%$_GET[term]%' LIMIT 0, "PASSWORD"); mysql_select_db("DATABASE"); The URL of the page will now get its source code read and made into a variable. 1 $pagedata = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($_POST['url'])); This little , $_GET[results]"); The query mentioned above will look in the page data i.e. the Search results after entering in the keyword and display it as many times as you define it. We will create an array now , $pagedata); Let us now insert the information into the database. 1 mysql_query("INSERT INTO searchengine VALUES ('', Blogs, Create your own search engine with PHP and MySQL, Database Matter The first step is to open up phpMyAdmin or a database software and incorporate the below query into the SQL section. 1 2 3 4 5 6 CREATE TABLE `searchengine` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_IN, edit and delete the results as well. The most important part is the security of the search engine and preventing other people to add information. This can be done by doing a password protects on ‘addu, Entertainment, just so you know it's been added. 1 2 echo "URL Added.Continue..."; ?> Search Engine is ready!!! So we are ready with our nice and simple search engine. One can now go to 'addurl.php' and enter the, let us make the form that will permit the visitors or the end users to perform a search. A file 'index.php' needs to be created. The form will be using GET instead of POST thereby making the informati, PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ) ENGINE = MYISAM The above query will assist the details or information to be stored in the database. Creating the Form Now when the database information is now added, technology etc. can be done. With the completion of this tutorial, the connection with the database, the process to read information from a database and obviously how we can add some new information into the database., there will be good amount of results for the reason that it'll be reading stuff like ''. We can make things better by following the below mentioned points. We can alter the ‘addurl.php’ page that will, we have leant on how to build a HTML form
Database Matter The first step is to open up phpMyAdmin or a database software and incorporate the below query into
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