MySQL SUM function
MySQL SUM function
- The SUM() function returns the total sum of a numeric column.
- The SUM() function is an aggregate function that allows you to calculate the sum of a set of values or an expression.
- Syntax for SUM function would be as below:
SELECT SUM(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
- You can also use distinct value while sum function
SELECT SUM(distinct column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
- If you use the SUM() function in a SELECT statement that returns no matching row, the SUM()function returns NULL, not zero.
- The DISTINCT operator allows you to calculate distinct values in the set.
- The SUM() function ignores the NULL values in the calculation
Query Example:
Example 1:
FORMAT(SUM(quantityOrdered * priceEach),
2) total
orderNumber = 10100;
Example 2:
SELECT SUM(Quantity)
FROM OrderDetails;
FROM OrderDetails;