Ubuntu Online Updates

The Ubuntu notification area (the equivalent of the Windows system tray) at the top right of the screen contains a program that automatically monitors the package repositories and tells you when updates are available. This is the Update Manager. If you haven’t yet updated your system, this icon will have probably turned into a white arrow pointing down, enclosed in an orange star, informing you that updates are available. In addition, each time you boot, you will see a speech bubble telling you that updates are available. When your system is completely up-to-date, the icon is not visible.

Clicking the Update Manager icon opens the Update Manager window, as shown in Figure 8-16. To go online and grab the updated files, simply click the Install Updates button at the bottom-right side of the window. You will probably be asked to enter your root password, because system files will need to be altered.

Screenshot from 2020-06-05 23-18-37

Figure . You’ll be informed if your system is in need of updates, and the Update Manager program can
take care of everything for you.

Be aware that some updates are large and may take some time to download, particularly if you’re doing it for the first time after installing Ubuntu.

After the downloads have finished, you probably won’t need to reboot unless the kernel file has been updated. If you do need to reboot, or if the update requires you to take any other action (such as logging out and then back in again), the Update Manager icon in the notification area will turn into an information icon, or into two encircled arrows. You should then click the icon to see what action you’re advised to take.