Linux Shell Script To Ftp File To Server
You need to create a shell scrip, needed to call from a crontab, to contact a FTP server and put or
get a file.
You will need to modify the variable section to reflect your settings.
#!/bin/bash #This is the FTP servers host or IP address.
USER=ftpuser #This is the FTP user that has access to the server.
PASS=password #This is the password for the FTP user.
# Uses the ftp command with the -inv switches. -i turns off interactive prompting. – Restrains FTP from attempting the auto-login feature. -v enables verbose and progress.
ftp -inv $HOST << EOF # Here the login credentials are supplied by calling the variables. user $USER $PASS # Here you will change to the directory where you want to put or get cd /path/to/file # Here you will tell FTP to put or get the file. put test.txt Or get test.txt bye EOF ---------------------------------- Now you will need to make this script executable and call it from crontab.
#chmod +x
#crontab -e
0 1 * * * /path/to/script/
For more information to cron job schedule, Follow the below link.