Installing and Configuring Wine

Wine can be easily installed using the Ubuntu Software Center. Just search for the application Wine Microsoft Compatibility Layer (if you search for Wine it will be the first of the list) and click Install. As always, you will be prompted for your password to begin the installation.

During the installation process, it will install the Microsoft Core Fonts if they are not already present on your system. Those fonts were part of a Microsoft project that intended to create standard typography for the Internet.

Once the installation has finished, some new options will be available; you can find them by typing a part of the name in the Applications Launcher:

Browse C: Drive: Ubuntu file system is different from that of Windows, in that it doesn’t use letters to identify drives. So what’s this C: drive? It is a virtual folder that Wine creates to make Windows applications feel more at home. Wine creates a hidden .wine folder in your home, and a drive_c folder inside of .wine. Windows applications believe that folder is the root of the C: drive.

Configure Wine: This tool allows you to configure Wine. You will be able to select the OS that best supports an application, and do advanced tasks as adding system libraries, selecting the graphic settings, adding drives or configuring audio. This is the tool that will help you tweak your applications to make them work.

Uninstall Wine Software: This is the Wine version of Add/Remove Programs. From here you can install or remove Windows software to Ubuntu.