ClearOS – Network Gateway and Network server : Introduction
ClearOS (formerly named ClarkConnect) is a Linux distribution, based on CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux,.
It is designed for use in small and medium enterprises as a network gateway and network server with a web-based administration interface.
It is designed to be an alternative to Windows Small Business Server.
ClearOS is a modular operating system that will run on dedicated hardware or in your virtual environment in your home, office, or datacenter as:
- A finely tuned system with just a handful of specific apps and services, or
- A gateway to protect your other computers from the outside internet while providing your users with a stable, fast web experience
- A server where you store your files for secure access inside and outside your network
- A network platform to facilitate core network services to provide ease of management of your network
- A cloud platform which allows you to both integrate with cloud services or to become your OWN cloud services provider for your workstations
- A versatile all-in-one solution that does everything above, or
- something completely in between!
Features – What can we do with the help of ClearOS
- Stateful firewall (iptables), networking and security
- Intrusion detection and prevention system (SNORT)
- Virtual private networking (IPSEC, PPTP, OpenVPN)
- Web proxy, with content filtering and antivirus (Squid, DansGuardian)
- E-mail services (Webmail, Postfix, SMTP, POP3/s, IMAP/s)
- Groupware (Kolab)
- Database and web server (easy to deploy LAMP stack)
- File and print services (Samba and CUPS)
- Flexshares (unified multi-protocol storage which currently employs CIFS, HTTP/S, FTP/S, and SMTP)
- MultiWAN (Internet fault tolerant design)
- Built-in reports for system statistics and services (MRTG and others)
ClearOS is commonly known as the Next Generation Small Business Server, while including indispensable Gateway and Networking functionality. It delivers a powerful IT solution with an elegant user interface that is completely web-based. Simply put.. ClearOS is the new way of delivering IT.
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