Apachetop – Web server Real time Traffic Monitor

Apachetop is very simple command line utility that you can use to monitor traffic real-time. It accomplishes this by parsing the apache logfiles and displaying meaningful output to the screen.

How to install Apachetop

yum -y install apachetop

How this used to display the http request

# apachetop -r 5 -T 30

This means apachetop will refresh every 5 second and will display the last request made from now to 30 second later.


apachetop Realtime http request
apachetop Realtime http request

The asterisk represents a Selected Line.

Additional, apachetop contains built-in shortcuts:

  • Up/Down arrow keys: switch to another request.
  • Right arrow key: see the details of the request you have chosen, including the visitor’s IP address and the referrer, etc.
  • Left arrow key: return to the list.
  • p: pause the display.
  • q: quit the program.
  • h: display help info.


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