Having said that, WLAN are also as prone to various attacks as their counterpart wired LNAs are. Actually WLANs are easier to hack as compared to wired LANs, if not properly configured, due to its easy accessibility around the installation. No need to be in contact of physical wires to hack can be done from anywhere. Its convenience can turn into serious risk to the organization if not configured properly. Major attacks include such as, Sniffing, Key cracking, DoS (Denial of Service), Deauthentication attacks, War driving etc. This chapter is not focused on attacks, we shall mainly concentrate on best practices- how to install and use WLAN securely which can thwart a number of above mentioned attacks.
Secure WLAN
Wireless Security mainly depends on these 3 factors:
How much is your wireless network secured in terms of encryption being used.
Monitoring for suspicious and unusual activities.
User awareness and education.
These are the combination of various approaches ranging from corporate to home networks. These are also for users how to remain safe while surfing.
Wi-Fi at home
Using a Wi-Fi at home is not a luxury anymore it has become a necessity. However, when the question of security comes into the scene, the first thought that would arise in my mind is how you can protect something which you cannot see, neither can you feel it? Protecting a home wireless network is altogether a different side of the coin as compared to wired networks. Most of wireless network device vendor‟s and Internet Service provider do not provide any security settings by default and leave the customer to fend for herself. So make sure, your network is secured from being maliciously used.