Anydesk installation on centos 7

Anydesk installation on centos 7

What is AnyDesk

AnyDesk is the open source remote desktop application . It is one of the world’ s most comfortable remote desktop application. Access all your programs, documents and files from anywhere, without having to entrust your data to a cloud service. You can say it’ s an alternative of the TeamViewer which is available free. Anydesk provides the faster remote connection than any other existing remote desktop application.

Download and Installing AnyDesk

Step 1

[root@localhost ~]# wget

install anydesk on centos 7
install anydesk on centos 7
Step 2

If any issue this installation, please follow the link here

[root@localhost ~]# yum localinstall anydesk-2.9.5-1.el7.x86_64.rpm 
install anydesk on centos 7 step2
install anydesk on centos 7 step2
Step 3

On Centos 7, Go to application ---> internet ----> anydesk

open anydesk on centos 7
open anydesk on centos 7