MySQL Export query to SQL file : mysqldump

Here is how to export query result to SQL file with the help of mysqldump command: Read more mysqldump – MySQL Database Backup and restore program

mysqldump allows you to use a WHERE clause when creating a backup and only the rows fulfilling the given condition will be included in the dump.


# Dump only the rows with the id column bigger than 1500
mysqldump my_db_name my_table_name --where="id > 1500" > my_backup.sql

# Dump only the rows with the created_at column in the given interval
mysqldump my_db_name my_table_name --where="date between '2022-05-01' and '2022-05-30'" > my_backup.sql

We can apply multiple condition with where clause of mysqldump. Here is the example for the same.

The --where flag can be extended to contatename multiple conditions like in a normal query. The following command will dump all rows from the users table with the id column bigger than 1500 and the disabled colum set to 0.

mysqldump my_db_name users --where="id > 1500 and disabled = 0" > my_backup.sql

More example:

mysqldump -u root -p testdb empdetails –where”=joiningdate between ‘2022-05-01 00:00:00’ AND ‘2022-05-30 00:00:00′” –no-create-info >jointable.sql

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