why java is secure?

Main focus in this post is the security features of the Java programming language. What makes java more secure than other languages?


1. Doesn’t use pointers as other languages do

Programming languages- notably C/C++ languages- use pointer values to manage application memory and safeguard data against data thieves. Although these pointers are secure to some extent, they become vulnerable in the event that an authorized party gains their access. Pointers do not have a way of verifying the authorization of anyone trying to access an application’s memory.

Java, on the other hand, uses its own internal memory and data management systems to block any unauthorized data access. These systems are impossible to infiltrate.


2. Automated memory management

Like we mentioned, Java owns and controls its internal memory and data management systems. That means that you as the programmer don’t need to worry about relieving the memory or manually handling any memory concerns for your program. Think of garbage collection, for example. Java management mechanisms automatically free the memories whenever the need arises, so you don’t have to do it yourself. Besides improving your data’s security, this automated system also reduces your overhead programming costs, makes your job easier, and allows you to focus on the finer details of your application development.


3. The Java compiler check detects and handles errors seamlessly

When errors go unnoticed for so long, especially to the point of forming a series of systematic errors, chances of an entire system crashing become very high. The good thing with Java language is that it has an error checker in form of Java compiler that detects errors and warns the programmer before system crashes.

Java compiler also suggests changes that ought to be made to a program in order to rid it of errors and improve its authenticity. And because the programmer reserves the power to modify the memory contents and/or codes to a program, the chances of external malicious programs making unauthorized modifications are almost zero.


4. Secure freeing of memory

We mentioned earlier that Java has an automated garbage collection mechanism, which makes it effortless to free up memory. Building on that fact, we must also mention that the mechanism helps programmers to recover unutilized memory easier and more securely. If the need to reallocate memory and allocate storage spaces for different programs, the mechanism provides a transparent allocation protocol that guarantees the integrity of every program execution process.


5. Private keywords

When programming is done from a public keyword, then there is the possibility of functions and data within a program overriding each other. With Java’s private, specific keywords, a programmer can successfully hide vital information during program execution without worrying about some of the information overriding over other important data.


6. Foolproof data type checking

On top of ensuring that there aren’t any errors that can potentially crash a program, Java Compiler also scrutinizes every variable in a program and ensures that no insecurity concern threatens the program’s unboxing operation. Data entry in every variable is wrapped in a secure class, unlike in the traditional Integer classes that leave data vulnerable to infiltration.